Classes without Suspending Learning

Project Description

停課不停學實踐分享系列Experience Sharing on “Suspending Classes without Suspending Learning” Series


在新常態下,學校及教育工作者可以如何做到「停課不停學」,以應對因疫情不同狀況而帶來線上、線下的教學挑戰呢? 賽馬會「校本多元」計劃團隊邀請了四位來自參與計劃的中、小學老師,與賽馬會「校本多元」計劃中大QSIP專家們一起分享停課期間累積的經驗及心得,希望能與教育同工一起探索,如何在新常態下讓學生學得更好。

Under the new normal, how can schools and educators achieve “suspending classes without suspending learning”? How can teachers face the online and offline teaching challenges brought by different epidemic situations? Jockey Club “Diversity at Schools” Project has invited 4 teachers from secondary and primary schools who participated in the JCDM project, together with the project team’s QSIP curriculum experts, to share their accumulated experience and tips during the suspension period, hoping to explore together with educational colleagues on ways to make students learn better under the new normal.

EP01 路德會呂祥光中學 周敏曄老師(初中生活與社會科)Ms. Chow Man Yip, Lui Cheung Kwong Lutheran College

EP02 循道衞理聯合教會亞斯理衞理小學 張倩老師(小學常識科)Ms. Cheung Sin, Asbury Methodist Primary School

EP03 保良局世德小學 唐嘉茵老師(小學數學科)Ms. Tong Ka Yan, Po Leung Kuk Castar Primary School

EP04 德望學校 蔡銘哲老師(中學數學科)Mr. Choi Ming Chit Wesley, Good Hope School


Producer, Researcher, Scriptwriter, Editor

Project Details

Client: The University of Hong Kong - Jockey Club "Diversity at Schools" Project

Tags: Documentary, Project Promotion

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