Let’s talk about DM S2

Project Description

「 淺談多元管理 (DM)」系列     Let’s talk about DM Series


EP01「展析多元」︰數據整合篇      Profiling Diversity : Data Integration

「多元數據管理平台」(DM Platform) 如何幫助學校及教師整合校內不同數據?整合數據為何重要? 在這短片中,青松侯寶垣中學鄭鍾榮校長及其管理團隊將為大家就以上問題一一細說。


What is data integration?
How can DM Platform (DMP) help schools and teachers to integrate data? Why is it important to do so? In this video, Principal Cheng of Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Secondary School and his management team show us the answers to the above questions.



EP02 「展析多元」︰ 電子IEP篇     Profiling Diversity : e-IEP

利用「多元數據管理平台」(DM Platform)編寫「個別學習計劃」(IEP)有什麼好處?編寫過程如何有利不同專業人員溝通及協作?如何為學生提出適切及個別化的教育? 在這短片中,香港紅卍字會大埔卍慈中學的學生個別支援主管、中文科科主任、融合教育支援社工及融合教育支援輔導員將為大家就以上問題一一細說。


What is e-IEP (Individualized Education Programme)?
What are the advantages of using DM Platform to create IEPs? How does this process facilitate communication and collaboration across different professions? How to provide appropriate yet individualized learning support to students? In this video, Head of Student Individual Support, Chinese panel chairperson, Inclusive Education Support Social Worker and Inclusive Education Support Counselor of HKRSSTPSS show us the answers to the above questions.



EP03 「展析多元」︰數據視像化篇     Profiling Diversity : Data Visualization

「多元數據管理平台」(DM Platform)如何利用科技,將不同類型的校內數據以視覺效果幫助學校及教師理解、使用及分析數據? 在這短片中,順德聯誼總會李金小學葉碧君副校長及其團隊將為大家就以上問題一一細說。


What is data visualization?
How can DM Platform (DMP) create visualized data to help schools and teachers better understand, use and analyze school-based data? In this video, Vice Principal Miko Ip of STFA Lee Kam Primary School and her team show us the answers to the above questions.



Producer, Researcher, Scriptwriter, Editor

Project Details

Client: The University of Hong Kong - Jockey Club "Diversity at Schools" Project

Tags: Documentary, Feature, Project Promotion

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