FFCA 2019

Project Description

時尚未來挑戰大獎2019 網上申請指引

Fashion Future Challenge Award 2019 online application guidelines



時尚趨勢一向都吸引著公眾,年青人與成年人都一樣。 但他們未必意會到時裝業是怎樣影響著環境和社會。至於有意加入時裝界的年青人,他們對業界的供應鏈及一件產品如何通過各個步驟最終到達消費者手上也未必認識。

時尚高峰(香港) 因此舉辦時尚未來挑戰大獎 ,以給予新世代一個思想交流的平台,分享與應付時尚未來挑戰相關的遠見和創新意念。

Fashion Future Challenge Award 2019

Fashion trend is always attractive to the public, youngsters and adults alike. But they may not be aware of the impact of the fashion industry and how it may affect our environment and society. While for those who are interested to join the fashion industry, they may not be familiar with the supply chain and how a product goes through different steps to reach the end consumers.

Fashion Summit (Hong Kong) has therefore set its sight in launching the Fashion Future Challenge Award (The Award) to provide a platform for the next generation to brew, exchange and share their creative ideas to help tackle the fashion future challenges in the future 5 to 10 years.




Producer, Scriptwriter

Project Details

Client: Clothing Industry Training Authority (CITA)

Tags: Animation, Motion Graphic

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