Let’s talk about DM S1

Project Description

「 淺談多元管理 (DM)」系列     Let’s talk about DM Series


EP01 多元管理 (DM) 知多少? What is Diversity Management (DM)?

何謂多元管理 (DM)?
賽馬會「校本多元」計劃如何協助學校建設有效的「校本多元管理架構」?計劃的三個項目 – 「展析多元」、「拓展選擇」及「推進協作」- 如何讓有不同學習需要及才能的學生,得到全面發展?


What is Diversity Management (DM)?
How does Jockey Club “Diversity at Schools” Project help local schools to develop effective School Management Infrastructure for diversity? How do the three project initiatives, Profiling Diversity, Maximizing Choices and Facilitating Collaboration, help students with diverse learning needs and talents to receive all-round development?


「拓展選擇」 知多少?

EP02「拓展選擇」 知多少? What is Maximizing Choices?

學校該如何於課堂上回應全部學生的不同學習需要?老師及課程領導可以如何利用適異教學(Differentiated Instruction)的策略,調適教學的向度,照顧不同能力學生?


What is “Maximizing Choices”?
How could schools respond to the different learning needs of all students in class? How can teachers and curriculum leaders use Differentiated Instruction strategies to adjust teaching and cater for students with different needs and strengths?


「推進協作」 知多少?

EP03「推進協作」 知多少?What is Facilitating Collaboration?

教師在進行課堂教學時,就學生不同的需要及學習特性提供多元的選擇,如何能更有效落實並達預期效果呢?學校領導如何可以善用資源、調配人手,在日常課堂教學時加入多一位教學人員—課堂學習支援助理(Classroom Learning Assistant,CLA),與教師有機協作,從第一層支援入手,提升課堂學習效能?


What is “Facilitating Collaboration”?
How could teachers provide more choices to students, based on the different needs and learning characteristics of students? How can they implement it more effectively and achieve the expected results? How can school leaders make good use of resources and deploy manpower, and add one more learning support staff member, Classroom Learning Assistant (CLA), in daily classroom teaching, and collaborate with teachers to enhance classroom learning efficacy?



Producer, Researcher, Scriptwriter, Editor

Project Details

Client: The University of Hong Kong - Jockey Club "Diversity at Schools" Project

Tags: Motion Graphic, Project Promotion

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